After serving in the Army for 13yrs, which included 3 deployments, we had a rough go in the civilian work force and I had lost my job. While at home pondering the next steps in life, my wife had suggested that I try my hand at making maple syrup because she wanted to use it in cooking instead of traditional processed sugars. Plus, this gave me something to do on the shoulder months of the year since there was no hunting or fishing going on at that time.
Myself and a couple other veterans got together and tried our hand at making syrup. We found that it gave us a place to talk about what was going with us and we all felt a little more at ease at the end of the night. I had mentioned this to Karen and that I wanted to pursue this as a place to give veterans and there families an outlet to have those bonding conversations.
So down the rabbit hole I went, we started off with a turkey fryer pot, and 25 taps. We since have grown to 500 taps (hoping to get to 1000), and a 2’x6’ evaporator, and have build a great little sugar house and evaporation room. We have branched out into making flavor infused blends,
Every year we try to assist at least 1 veteran in need or donate to another veteran organization to keep paying it forward.

When we actually had thought about growing this business into more than just a small hobby we talked about a logo, Karen had taken inspiration from my Step Dads tattoo of a little army guy, and put her twist of an older cartoon. Once we had that I took it to an artist friend and fellow veteran and he created the logo you see today.